Therapy, Corporate Workshops, and Mindfulness in San Francisco


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) in San Francisco


What is Cognitive Based Therapy (CBT)?


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a practical, skills-based approach to therapy. Cognitive therapy has proven effective in many research studies for issues that include Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Anxiety, Depression, Substance Use, Insomnia, Chronic Pain, and Trauma. 

Cognitive therapy is typically a short-term focused treatment. Once goals are established, we work collaboratively with clients to determine the frequency and length of treatment that is best for each individual circumstance. CBT therapy is active and engaged both during and between therapy sessions.


The Theory Behind Cognitive Therapy


The theory underlying CBT therapy is that thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are all interconnected. By becoming aware of the connection between these processes, it’s possible to identify new ways of responding so that difficult thoughts and feelings don’t get in the way of living life on your terms. Cognitive therapy often involves changing both thought patterns and behaviors.


Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) Therapy in San Francisco


What is Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP)?


Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) is a Cognitive Therapy technique that involves gradual and repeated exposure to situations that are avoided or responded to by engagement in compulsions. If you avoid people, places, or situations due to fears, exposure practice can help you embrace doubt and uncertainty and live a freer, more flexible life


Exposure-based therapies are considered the gold-standard treatment for OCD and anxiety.


The key to successful exposure is approaching what is unwanted in a gradual and repeated manner. Because exposure involves moving towards difficult or avoided thoughts, feelings, and situations, it’s helpful to consider how doing exposures will directly contribute to living life the way you want to. Exposures are like forming new habits. With dedicated time and practice, it’s possible to integrate them into day-to-day living, just like you would any other behavior (e.g., exercise, mindfulness, etc.).  


ERP Therapy at mindfulSF


ERP therapy is practiced first under the guidance of one of our trained clinicians, and then independently. We work collaboratively with you each step of the way, so that over time you can become your own exposure expert.

We use ERP therapy for:

  • Social/Performance Anxiety

  • Specific Phobias

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder  

  • OCD

    • ERP therapy is the number one practice that helps people to break free from the OCD cycle. Through repeated engagement in exposure, it is possible to learn that compulsions are no longer needed, and that you are capable of being with doubt and uncertainty.

  • Panic Disorder

    • Exposure for Panic is a specific type of practice called Interoceptive Exposure. Interoceptive Exposure involves intentionally replicating physical sensations of panic that set off the fear response. By repeatedly practicing having these sensations in an intentional way, new learning can occur, and sensations can become less scary over time. Interoceptive exposure makes it possible to learn that you are capable of being with whatever sensation your body experiences.


Interested in learning about ERP or CBT Therapy in the Bay Area?


mindfulSF offers ERP and CBT therapy for anxiety, phobias, panic disorders and more in San Francisco and throughout the Bay Area. Online services also offered across California.